13th Annual Race for Hope 5K Sets New Record Raising Over $160,000

On Saturday, April 9th, the Grant a Gift Autism Foundation - Ackerman Center held its 13th Annual RACE FOR HOPE 5K in the Downtown Las Vegas Arts District.  With over 450 participants and 23 vendors providing valuable information to the community, the walk exceeded goals and set a new record, raising over $168,000.

“We are thrilled with the community response we received for this year’s family friendly fun walk,” said Brian Hager, President, Grant a Gift Autism Foundation – Ackerman Center. “The funds raised from today will help us continue our mission to help the children, young adults, and their families facing the challenges of autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions.” 

Presenting sponsors for this year’s event were Subway and the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Foundation. Their support, combined with the proceeds from the Race For Hope 5K, will go far in helping the organization address what currently is a waiting list of over 5,000 deserving families in Southern Nevada.  

Thank You to Our Sponsors

In addition to individual race participation and donations, meeting and exceeding our goal would not have been possible without our incredibly generous and supportive sponsors. Thank you to these Las Vegas community organizations who stepped up to the starting line to help us surpass our fundraising goals!

Thank You to Our Resource Fair Vendors

Bringing the community together to provide resources for families, kids, and young adults living with autism is a big part of why we put on the Race for Hope 5K every year. Thank you to these incredible community partners for joining us and displaying their goods and services at our Resource Fair!


Gaudin Motor Company Raises $63,100 in March for Grant a Gift Autism Foundation - Ackerman Center


Race for Hope 5K - Race Day Details